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Monday, March 30, 2009

Mourinyu: "Is there a coach who can give the lead in" Manchester United "?"

Former coach of London "Chelsea" Jose Mourinyu admitted that he would not be able to renounce the post of chief coach of "Manchester United" if at the end of next season, he received a similar sentence. In the past few months, several sources reported that Mourinyu in the future may change, Sir Alex Ferguson as the helmsman of "red devils". Especially the news worsened, when Manchester United and Inter, who now heads Mourinyu met among themselves in the Champions League. The club experienced Scots knocked Series A representative from the tournament, but hodivshie talks have not lost their relevance. Previously, Ferguson himself has repeatedly said that at the end of next season, plans to leave on a pension. In a recent interview with Sir Alex's son, Darren, has confirmed that his father is likely to hold at Old Trafford is still one full season and then goes to the well-deserved rest. Mourinyu believes that if he received the offer to lead the "Manchester United", it can not refuse it. Nevertheless, the Portuguese is confident that Ferguson have the strength and health to work out another 20 years, and he does not believe in the imminent completion of the career Scotch. "If such a coach, who could refuse? I think nobody can." Manchester United "belongs to a small group of clubs that no one will refuse to practice. Nevertheless, I do not believe that, in the 2010th year, he (Ferguson ) leaves. I do not believe. " "A year later, I see that he was exactly the same person, as has been: a healthy, happy. I do not see any reason for his departure. I very much hope that it will continue to work with the team. He is very good," - said Mourinyu.

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