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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kasilyas held a 90th game for the national team of Spain

After the qualifying matches for the World Cup in 2010 against Turkey's national team captain Iker Kasilyas Spain became the third in the history of the national team player on the number of its composition match. Yesterday's match with "Santyago Bernabeu" became Kasilyasa 90th and allowed to overtake another legend of Spanish football, Fernando Hierro, who spent 89 games for the national team. The match against Turkey is given to calm goalie "Real", with the exception of the starting interval, forced Kasilyasa to demonstrate their skills. The most obvious moment of the national team of Turkey, which has prevented Kasilyas, occurred at the fifth minute after the impact Nihat. After another few seconds, another blow to the distance and struck Semih Shentyurk Kasilyas was again on top. Major challenges for goalkeeper wards Fatih Terima that evening did not. More goalkeeper "Real Madrid" matches for the national team undertook only: Raul (102) and Andoni Subisareta (126).

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