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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lampard: "Capelli has given our team more discipline and organization in the game"

Midfielder "Chelsea and England national team, Frank Lampard said that, very happy to play for their team at the position that it gives the coach. Midfielder England notes that the team Capelli he plays a different role than in the club, but does not regret about it. He noted that will make every effort to be useful to the team. "Fabio Capelli gave our team more discipline and organization in the game. As a team I play a different role than in the club. But I do not want to be cunning, I liked the last 20 minutes, when I have more freedom. I had the opportunity to more to enter the opponent's penalty area. Dzherrard and Rooney is now in excellent shape. I really like how they play. Now they are helping the team, "- said Lampard.

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