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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fergi: «Barcelona» makes strong impression

According to Ferguson for his team «Barcelona» most dangerous rival for the protection of its title of best team guys in Europe. «Barcelona» in good shape, they played amazing this season and all of this note. They play in the first half of the return match against «Lyon», when they won the «CAP Know» 5-2, was simply brilliant. In the twinkling of an eye, they scored four goals. They pose a threat to any opponent, and quite rightly considered to Favorites », - Ferguson quotes The Sun. «Last season in the semifinals played three English teams and two of them met in the final. As before drawing three of our club played in the semifinals and the final break «Liverpool». But we must recognize that the danger comes not only from the British team, the greatest threat comes from the «Barcelona». «I'm not sure that they have made great progress compared to last year when we played with them in the semifinals, but under the leadership of Guardioly they were much better to act in defense. It is probably much more attention has been paid attention to the game in the defense than it was before. I do not want to criticize Raykarda just Guardiola has managed to convey to the players that play defense for the team as important as in the attack ». «There, for example, we came back Gerard Pique and very good advocates for them. We always knew about his skill, talent, mobility and the nature of the winner, so I think that it is serious in their efforts. They are excellent start this season, and before January they are not specifically highlighted, this happens with all. They went through this and be a dangerous rival, », - has added a mentor« red devils ».

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