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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guti and Michel Salgado have visited Qatar

Two players were Real Madrid, Guti and Michel Salgado, taking advantage of public holidays in conjunction with the national team matches yesterday visited the Qatari capital Doha, which represented the Royal Club in an event organized by multilateral Academy "Aspire Academy of Excellence", to search for football talent in the country. Along with the players' Real 'in Qatar flew their former odnoklubnik Fernando Morentes. In the presence of Academy Director Tariq Aziz Al-Nama, the players took part in various activities and competitions, accompanied by his 81-pupil academy ages ten to sixteen years. Guti, Salgado and Morentes handed children's gifts, including t-shirts "Real" and "Valencia", and numerous autographs. In addition to signing players left on the special board, where the sign is already a star of world football such as Pele, Maradona and Zidane. So - this was not the first time that the football world came to Qatar. In 2005, to participate in the advertising campaign to support the Academy in Qatar visited Ronaldinho. Earlier this month, during the visit of "Milan" at Qatar Academy visited Bekhem, Kaka, Maldini and Carlo Anchelotti. Following an invitation to the academy Salgado, Guti and Morentesa in the academy plans to establish a regular guest star in world football academy.

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