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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Borrello: "I want to go back in May and play the last rounds,"

Striker Milan Marco Borrello eve commented on his recovery from injuries and shared thoughts about the imminent return to the field. "I want to go back in May and play the last rounds." "We often do, along with Gattuzo. We look at each other and podhlestyvaem each other for a speedy recovery." "I almost do not feel pain. After a week I will scamper. I do for 6 hours a day, because really want to play." "Injury has helped me understand that I love it. The coach and my partners do not forget me. I knew my body better. Play the last 2-3 games, it would be so much fun after a long absence." "It's very sad to watch from the stands to feed Beckham. I so want to be there, in the penalty. I have to adjust to any ball. I really want to play and hopefully that will start all over again.'ll Start successfully." "I do not want to blame the medical staff. I sometimes do not clog in the empty goal. Mistakes happen at all. And doctors, too."

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