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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Van Percy: "I must see how the" Arsenal "is going to succeed"

Striker Arsenal Robin Van Percy stated that he was ready to sign a new contract with the club, if the case proves his ambitions of winning trophies. At this point forward the national team of Holland is still negotiating a new 3-year contract. Until the end of the current agreement with the van Percy "gunner" is only 18 months. According to unofficial data, the new wage Van Percy was about 80 thousand pounds a week. Nevertheless, the football player believes that money is not a matter of who caused the delay in the negotiation process. "In monetary terms the last sentence of" Arsenal "was very pleasant, but that's not important. The club must match my ambitions. I have to see how they planned to transform into reality. Over the past 4 years I have won only one trophy, the Cup in England, and it is too little. I want to do better "- said van Percy. It should say that the development of the situation around for a new contract to monitor a number of European grandees who would not mind to get the talented Dutch. According to rumors, one of the main pretenders to the 25-year-old van Percy is the Spanish "Barcelona". "I continue to lead the negotiations with Arsenal." Everything goes according to plan - in a very positive atmosphere. Soon will be some more meetings. The club and I want one - to win trophies. All other factors in order to achieve this goal we have - a fantastic stadium , fantastic support and money in the account at the bank. " "What remains is the only final step to fulfill our objectives. I am confident that I am able to do play an important role in the raising of" Arsenal "to a new level," - added van Percy. Recall that van Percy moved to London club from Dutch "Feyenoorda" in 2004. In the last 3 seasons he is regularly hampered by injuries, but his 170 matches for Arsenal, he played, clogging them 59 heads.

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